Light-like Wilson loops in ABJM and maximal transcendentality
Apr 22, 2013
Citations per year
Abstract: (Springer)
We revisit the computation of the two-loop light-like tetragonal Wilson loop for three dimensional pure Chern-Simons and = 6 Chern-Simons-matter theory, within dimensional regularization with dimensional reduction scheme. Our examination shows that, contrary to prior belief, the result respects maximal transcendentality as is the case of the four-point scattering amplitude of the theory. Interestingly, the corrected result matches exactly the scattering amplitude both in the divergent and in the finite parts, constants included.Note:
- 11 pages
- Supersymmetric gauge theory
- Wilson
- t Hooft and Polyakov loops
- Chern-Simons Theories
- regularization: dimensional
- dimension: 3
- Wilson loop
- scattering amplitude
- Chern-Simons term
- dimensional reduction
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