Helmholtz Alliance Linear Collider Forum : Proceedings of the Workshops Hamburg, Munich, Hamburg 2010-2012, Germany
2013602 pages
Proceedings of:
- 9783935702737
- Published: 2013 in Hamburg by DESYand
- Published: 2013
Report number:
- DESY-12-123H,
- DESY-PROC-2013-02,
- DESY 12-123H
Citations per year
The Linear Collider Forum is an initiative born within the Helmholtz-Alliance ”Physics at the Terascale”, a network of German Universities and Research Centers working in high-energy particle physics. Yearly dedicated meetings focus on the physics case and the technologies at a future linear collider, covering both the ILC and CLIC concepts. In February 2012 an extended meeting with significant international participation was dedicated to the discussion of physics scenarios to strengthen and update the case for a linear e+e- collider in light of new developments and the latest LHC results. Contributions to LC Forum sessions were collected on the DESY LC-note server with a dedicated mark ‘LC-REPyear- number’. These Proceedings comprise all contributions that have been submitted with the dedicated mark in 2012 and 2013. Therefore also contributions are included that actually have not been presented on a LC Forum meeting but are strongly related to the subject.References(46)