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Abstract: (Springer)
The ASACUSA collaboration aims to measure the ground state hyperfine splitting (GS-HFS) of antihydrogen, the antimatter counterpart to atomic hydrogen. Comparisons of the corresponding transitions in those two systems will provide sensitive tests of the CPT symmetry, the combination of the three discrete symmetries charge conjugation, parity, and time reversal. For offline tests of the GS-HFS spectroscopy apparatus we constructed a source of cold polarised atomic hydrogen. In these proceedings we report the successful observation of the hyperfine structure transitions of atomic hydrogen with our apparatus in the earth’s magnetic field.
  • 8 pages, 4 figures, proceedings for conference EXA 2014 (Exotic Atoms - Vienna)
  • Antihydrogen
  • Atomic hydrogen
  • Ground state hyperfine structure
  • hydrogen: beam
  • ground state: hyperfine structure
  • charge conjugation: symmetry
  • symmetry: discrete
  • antihydrogen
  • magnetic field