Summing logarithms and factorization for massive quark initiated jets and the Pythia top quark mass

Sep 13, 2016

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The most precise top quark mass measurements use kinematic reconstruction methods, determining the top mass parameter of a Monte Carlo event generator, mMC t . Due to the complicated interplay of hadronization and parton shower dynamics in Monte Carlo event generators, relating mMC t to field theory masses is a non-trivial task. In this talk we present a calibration procedure to determine this relation using hadron level QCD predictions for 2-Jettiness in e+^+e^- annihilation, an observable which has kinematic top mass sensitivity and has a close relation to the invariant mass of the particles coming from the top decay. The theoretical ingredients of the QCD prediction are explained. Fitting e+^+e^- 2-Jettiness calculations at NLL/NNLL order to PYTHIA 8.205, we find that mMC t agrees with the MSR mass at the scale 1 GeV within uncertainties, mMC t ' mMSR t;1GeV, but differs from the pole mass by 900/600MeV
  • top: mass
  • mass: pole
  • resummation
  • dijet: production
  • top: decay
  • electron positron: annihilation
  • parton: showers
  • quark: massive
  • Monte Carlo