Do Present Experiments Exclude the Fourth Family Quarks as Well as the Existence of More Than One Scalar?

19 pages
Published in:
  • Bled Workshops Phys. 17 (2016) 2, 128-146

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0 Citations
Abstract: (Grobid)
The spin-charge-family theory [1–17] predicts the existence of the fourth familyto the lower three. It also predicts several scalar fields (the mass eigenstatesof the three singlets with the family members quantum numbers and the twotriplets with the family quantum numbers) with the weak and the hyper charge ofthe standard model higgs field (± 1 2 , 1 2 , respectively). There is so far noexperimental evidence for either the existence of the fourth family quarks withmasses below 1 TeV or for the existence of more than one scalar field (however,the Yukawa couplings themselves are the signal that several scalars must exist).If the fourth family quarks have masses above 1 TeV then the experimentalevidences [18,19] require that they contribute negligible to either the quark-gluon fusion production of the observed scalar higgs or to the decay of thisscalar. It is discussed in this contribution why it is too early to say that thepresent experiments exclude the fourth family quarks predicted by the spin-charge-family theory.
  • quark: family: 4
  • field theory: scalar
  • family: 2
  • triplet: 2
  • coupling: Yukawa
  • gluon: fusion
  • singlet: 3
  • quantum number
  • electroweak interaction
  • gauge field theory