Studies of beauty suppression via measurements of nonprompt D0 mesons in PbPb collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}}=5.02 TeV

Report number:
  • CMS-PAS-HIN-16-016

Citations per year

The transverse momentum spectra of D0\mathrm{D^0} mesons from b hadron decays are measured in pp and PbPb collisions at a nucleon-nucleon center of mass energy of 5.02 TeV\mathrm{TeV} with the CMS detector at the LHC. The measurement is performed in the D0\mathrm{D^0} pTp_{\rm{T}} range of 2--100 GeV/c{\rm Ge\hspace{-.08em}V\hspace{-0.16em}}/\hspace{-0.08em}c and in the rapidity range of y<1|\mathrm{y}|<1. The D0\mathrm{D^0} mesons from b hadron decays are distinguished from prompt D0\mathrm{D^0} mesons by their decay topologies. In PbPb collisions, the BD0\mathrm{B\rightarrow{D^0}} yield is found to be suppressed in most of the measured pTp_{\rm{T}} range compared to pp collisions. The suppression is weaker than that of prompt D0\mathrm{D^0} mesons and charged hadrons for pTp_{\rm{T}} around 10 GeV/c{\rm Ge\hspace{-.08em}V\hspace{-0.16em}}/\hspace{-0.08em}c. While theoretical calculations incorporating partonic energy loss in the quark gluon plasma can successfully describe the measured BD0\mathrm{B\rightarrow{D^0}} suppression at higher pTp_{\rm{T}}, the data show an indication of larger suppression than the model predictions in the range of 2<pT<52 < p_{T} < 5 GeV/c{\rm Ge\hspace{-.08em}V\hspace{-0.16em}}/\hspace{-0.08em}c.
  • Preliminary results
  • Data
  • hadron: decay
  • transverse momentum: momentum spectrum
  • quark gluon: plasma
  • p p: scattering
  • heavy quark: suppression
  • nucleon nucleon: scattering
  • CERN LHC Coll
  • heavy quark: energy loss
  • CMS