Simulation techniques for modified gravity
Dec 12, 201837 pages
Published in:
- Int.J.Mod.Phys.D 27 (2018) 15, 1848003
- Published: Dec 12, 2018
- 2103.10890 [astro-ph.CO]
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Abstract: (WSP)
The standard paradigm of cosmology assumes General Relativity (GR) is a valid theory for gravity at scales in which it has not been properly tested. Developing novel tests of GR and its alternatives is crucial if we want to give strength to the model or find departures from GR in the data. Since alternatives to GR are usually defined through nonlinear equations, designing new tests for these theories implies a jump in complexity and thus, a need for refining the simulation techniques. We summarize existing techniques for dealing with modified gravity (MG) in the context of cosmological simulations. N-body codes for MG are usually based on standard gravity codes. We describe the required extensions, classifying the models not according to their original motivation, but by the numerical challenges that must be faced by numericists. MG models usually give rise to elliptic equations, for which multigrid techniques are well suited. Thus, we devote a large fraction of this review to describing this particular technique. Contrary to other reviews on multigrid methods, we focus on the specific techniques that are required to solve MG equations and describe useful tricks. Finally, we describe extensions for going beyond the static approximation and dealing with baryons.Note:
- 37 pages. Published as part of the IJMPD special issue "Modified Gravity: Progresses and Outlook of Theories, Numerical Techniques and Observational Tests" edited by Baojiu Li and Kazuya Koyama. Submitted to arXiv after end of embargo period
- 02.60.Cb
- 02.60.Lj
- 02.70.−c
- 04.50.Kd
- 98.65.−r
- 98.80.−k
- Gravitation
- modified gravity
- cosmology theory
- dark energy
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