The MicroBooNE Search For Anomalous Electron Neutrino Appearance Using Image Based Data Reconstruction

Apr, 2019
248 pages
  • Michael Shaevitz
Thesis: PhD
  • Columbia U.
(defense: Apr, 2019)
  • Published: 2019
Report number:

Citations per year

This thesis presents the MicroBooNE search for the MiniBooNE low energy excess using a fully automated image based data reconstruction scheme. A suite of traditional and deep learning computer vision algorithms are developed for identication of charge current quasi-elastic (CCQE) like muon and electron neutrino interactions using the MicroBooNE detector. Given a model of the MiniBooNE low energy excess as due to an enhancement of electron neutrino type events, this analysis predicts a combined statistical and systematic 3.8 low energy signal in 13:2 1020 POT of MicroBooNE data. When interpreted in the context of ! e 3 + 1 sterile neutrino oscillations a best t point of (m2 41; sin2 2e) = (0:063; 0:794) is found with a 90% condence allowed region consistent with > 0:1 eV2 oscillations.
  • physics of elementary particles and fields
  • Particles (Nuclear physics)
  • Data recovery (Computer science)
  • Neutrinos
  • Physics
  • energy: low
  • neutrino: oscillation
  • neutrino: interaction
  • neutrino: sterile
  • anomaly: effect