Role of Wilson Lines in 3D Quantum Gravity

Sep 13, 2019
131 pages
Thesis: PhD
  • UCLA, Los Angeles (main)
  • Published: Sep 13, 2019

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0 Citations
Abstract: (UCLA, Los Angeles (main))
Gravity in three dimensions and AdS3/CFT2 is an interesting playground to study someof the issues of quantum gravity. Using the Chern-Simons description of 3D gravity, weconstruct gravitational Wilson lines in asymptotiacally AdS spacetimes. In this thesis, westudy the role of gravitational Wilson lines and nd the correct dictionary to the dual CFT.On the CFT side, networks of Wilson lines correspond to semi-classical limits of conformalblocks. We establish some of the dictionary in Chapter 1. By explicit computation, we verifythese for the cases of pure gravity and particular instances of gravity with higher spin elds.In chapter 2 we develop the quantization of this Wilson line. We compute the gravitationalself energy of a particle in AdS3 to rst non-trivial order using a single boundaryto boundary Wilson line. In the CFT, this reproduces the 1=c correction to the two pointfunction of the corresponding primary operator.Various renormalization ambiguities arise at higher order. We study these in Chapter3 and extend the previous computation to order 1=c3, nding agreement with CFT results.Renormalization ambiguities are xed by imposing conformal invariance.
  • gravitation: energy
  • space-time: anti-de Sitter
  • invariance: conformal
  • operator: primary
  • particle: energy
  • dimension: 3
  • spin: high
  • Wilson loop
  • renormalization
  • quantum gravity