An introduction to spin techniques in particle physics is given. Among the topics covered are: helicity formalism and its applications to the decay and scattering of spin-1/2 and spin-1 particles, techniques for evaluating helicity amplitudes (including projection operator methods and the spinor helicity method), and density matrix techniques. The utility of polarization and spin correlations for untangling new physics beyond the Standard Model at future colliders such as the LHC and a high energy e +e e~+e~- linear collider is then considered. A number of detailed examples are explored including the search for low-energy supersymmetry, a non-minimal Higgs boson sector, and new gauge bosons beyond the W ±W~\pm and ZZ.
  • lectures: Stanford 1990/07/26
  • electroweak interaction
  • supersymmetry
  • sparticle: hadroproduction
  • hadroproduction: sparticle
  • sparticle: electroproduction
  • electroproduction: sparticle
  • sparticle: decay
  • decay: sparticle
  • Higgs particle: multiplet