The Exact mass gap of the supersymmetric cp**(n-1) sigma model
Sep, 199411 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Lett.B 343 (1995) 198-206
- hep-th/9409142 [hep-th]
Report number:
- CERN-TH-7426-94,
- SWAT-93-94-42
Citations per year
A formula for the mass-gap of the supersymmetric \CP~{n-1} sigma model () in two dimensions is derived: where and is the mass of the fundamental particle multiplet. This result is obtained by comparing two expressions for the free-energy density in the presence of a coupling to a conserved charge; one expression is computed from the exact S-matrix of K\"oberle and Kurak via the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz and the other is computed using conventional perturbation theory. These calculations provide a stringent test of the S-matrix, showing that it correctly reproduces the universal part of the beta-function and resolving the problem of CDD ambiguities.- field theoretical model: CP(N-1)
- supersymmetry
- dimension: 2
- S-matrix
- charge: conservation law
- Bethe ansatz
- perturbation theory
- mass spectrum
- energy