Three jet cross-sections to next-to-leading order

Dec, 1995
48 pages
Published in:
  • Nucl.Phys.B 467 (1996) 399-442
Report number:
  • SLAC-PUB-7073,
  • SLAC-PUB-95-7073,
  • ETH-TH-95-42

Citations per year

One- and two-jet inclusive quantities in hadron collisions have already been calculated to next-to-leading order accuracy, using both the subtraction and the cone method. Since the one-loop corrections have recently been obtained for all five-parton amplitudes, three-jet inclusive quantities can also be predicted to next-to-leading order. The subtraction method presented in the literature is based on a systematic use of boost-invariant kinematical variables, and therefore its application to three-jet production is quite cumbersome. In this paper we re-analyze the subtraction method and point out the advantage of using angle and energy variables. This leads to simpler results and it has complete generality, extending its validity to nn-jet production. The formalism is also applicable to nn-jet production in e +e e~+e~- annihilation and in photon-hadron collisions. All the analytical results necessary to construct an efficient numerical program for next-to-leading order three-jet inclusive quantities in hadroproduction are given explicitly. As new analytical result, we also report the collinear limits of all the two-to-four processes.
  • 48 pages (Latex, macros are included) Report-no: ETH-TH/95-42, SLAC-PUB-95-7073
  • 13.87.Ce
  • 12.38.Bx
  • jets
  • QCD
  • hadron hadron: inclusive reaction
  • jet: hadroproduction
  • hadroproduction: jet
  • final state: (3jet)
  • (3jet): final state
  • quantum chromodynamics