An Experimentalist's view of neutrino oscillations
Jun, 200164 pages
Published in:
- Int.J.Mod.Phys.A 16 (2001) 4085-4152
- hep-ex/0106089 [hep-ex]
Report number:
- OUNP-2001-03
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Abstract: (arXiv)
Neutrinos, and primarily neutrino oscillations, have undoubtedly been one of the most exciting topics in the field of high-energy physics over the past few years. The existence of neutrino oscillations would require an extension of the currently accepted description of sub-nuclear phenomena beyond the Standard Model. Compelling evidence of new physics, which seems to be pointing towards neutrino oscillations, is coming from the solar neutrino deficit and from the atmospheric neutrino anomaly. More controversial effects have been observed with artificially produced neutrinos. The present experimental status of neutrino oscillations is reviewed, as well as the planned future experimental programme, which, it is hoped, will solve most of the outstanding puzzles.- review: experimental results
- neutrino: oscillation
- neutrino: solar
- neutrino: cosmic radiation
- neutrino: mass
- MSW effect
- neutrino nucleus: nuclear reaction
- deuteron
- gallium
- chlorine