The description of quantum field systems with meta-stable vacuum is motivated by studies of many physical problems (the decay of disoriented chiral condensate, the resonant decay of CP-odd meta-stable states, self-consistent model of QGP pre-equilibrium evolution, the phase transition problem in the systems with broken symmetry etc). A non-perturbative approach based on the kinetic description within the framework of the quasi-particle representation was proposed here. We restrict ourselves to scalar field theory with potentials of polynomial type. The back reaction mechanism, i.e. the particle production influence on background field is also discussed. Using the oscillator representation, we derive the generalized kinetic equation with non-pertrubative source term for description of particle-antiparticle creation under action of background field and equation of motion for it. As an illustrative example we consider one-component scalar theory with double-well potential. On this example, we study some features of proposed approach, in particular, the selection problem of stable vacuum state, what allows to avoid appearance of tachyonic regimes. The similar analysis is possible for some other models of such kind: the Friedberg-Lee model, the non-linear of η\eta -- meson model of Witten--Di Vecchia--Veneziano, end so on.
  • talk: Dubna 2003/06/08
  • field theory: scalar
  • vacuum state
  • stability
  • Hamiltonian formalism
  • background field
  • field equations: solution
  • numerical calculations