Nuclear parton distribution functions and their uncertainties
Apr, 20049 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.C 70 (2004) 044905
- hep-ph/0404093 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- SAGA-HE-197-04
Citations per year
We analyze experimental data of nuclear structure-function ratios F_2^A/F_2^{A'} and Drell-Yan cross section ratios for obtaining optimum parton distribution functions (PDFs) in nuclei. Then, uncertainties of the nuclear PDFs are estimated by the Hessian method. Valence-quark distributions are determined by the F_2 data at large x: however, the small-x part is not obvious from the data. On the other hand, the antiquark distributions are determined well at x~0.01 from the F_2 data and at x~0.1 by the Drell-Yan data: however, the large-x behavior is not clear. Gluon distributions cannot be fixed by the present data and they have large uncertainties in the whole x region. Parametrization results are shown in comparison with the data. We provide a useful code for calculating nuclear PDFs at given x and Q^2.- 13.60.Hb
- 24.85.+p
- 12.38.-t
- 25.30.-c
- lepton nucleus: deep inelastic scattering
- nucleus: structure function
- structure function: ratio
- momentum spectrum: parton
- parametrization
- quark: charm