The Non-perturbative equation of state for gluon matter

Dec, 2007
12 pages

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Abstract: (arXiv)
In order to derive equation of state for the pure SU(3) Yang-Mills fields from first principles, it is proposed to generalize the effective potential approach for composite operators to non-zero temperatures. It is essentially non-perturbative by construction, since it assumes the summation of an infinite number of the corresponding contributions. There is no dependence on the coupling constant, only a dependence on the mass gap, which is responsible for the large-scale structure of the QCD ground state. The equation of state generalizes the Bag constant at non-zero temperatures, while its nontrivial Yang-Mills part has been approximated by the generalization of the free gluon propagator to non-zero temperatures, as a first necessary step. Even in this case we were able to show explicitly that the pressure may almost continuously change its regime at T=266.5MeVT^* = 266.5 MeV.All the other thermodynamical quantities such as energy density, entropy, etc. are to be understood to have drastic changes in their regimes in the close vicinity of TT^*. All this is in qualitative and quantitative agreement with thermal lattice QCD results for the pure Yang-Mills fields. We have firmly established the behavior of all the thermodynamical quantities in the region of low temperatures, where thermal lattice QCD calculations suffer from big uncertainties.
  • 11.15.Tk
  • 12.38.Lg
  • gauge field theory: SU(3)
  • gluon: matter
  • equation of state: nonperturbative
  • effective potential
  • operator: composite
  • quantum chromodynamics
  • mass: gap
  • bag model