
Hard probes of short-range nucleon-nucleon correlations

Apr, 2011
57 pages
Published in:
  • Prog.Part.Nucl.Phys. 67 (2012) 898-938
Report number:
  • PHY-12946-ME-2011,
  • JLAB-PHY-11-1329

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
One of the primary goals of nuclear physics is providing a complete description of the structure of atomic nuclei. While mean-field calculations provide detailed information on the nuclear shell structure for a wide range of nuclei, they do not capture the complete structure of nuclei, in particular the impact of small, dense structures in nuclei. The strong, short-range component of the nucleon-nucleon potential yields hard interactions between nucleons which are close together, generating a high-momentum tail to the nucleon momentum distribution, with momenta well in excess of the Fermi momentum. This high-momentum component of the nuclear wave-function is one of the most poorly understood parts of nuclear structure. Utilizing high-energy probes, we can isolate scattering from high-momentum nucleons, and use these measurements to examine the structure and impact of short-range nucleon-nucleon correlations. Over the last decade we have moved from looking for evidence of such short-range structures to mapping out their strength in nuclei and examining their isospin structure. This has been made possible by high-luminosity and high-energy accelerators, coupled with an improved understanding of the reaction mechanism issues involved in studying these structures. We review the general issues related to short-range correlations, survey recent experiments aimed at probing these short-range structures, and lay out future possibilities to further these studies.
  • Review article to appear in Prog.Part.Nucl.Phys. 77 pages, 33 figures
  • Nucleon-nucleon correlations
  • Tensor correlations
  • Short-range correlations
  • nuclear properties
  • electron nucleus: interaction
  • electron deuteron: interaction
  • nucleon: production
  • nucleon: spectator
  • nucleon nucleon: correlation
  • correlation: short-range