Predictive Model of Inverted Neutrino Mass Hierarchy and Resonant Leptogenesis

May, 2007
19 pages
Published in:
  • Int.J.Mod.Phys.A 23 (2008) 1679-1696
Report number:
  • OSU-HEP-07-01

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We present a new realization of inverted neutrino mass hierarchy based on S3×U(1)S_3 \times {\cal U}(1) flavor symmetry. In this scenario, the deviation of the solar oscillation angle from π/4\pi/4 is correlated with the value of θ13\theta_{13}, as they are both induced by a common mixing angle in the charged lepton sector. We find several interesting predictions: \te_{13}\geq 0.13, \sin^2\te_{12}\geq 0.31, \sin^2\te_{23}\simeq 0.5, 0\leq \cos \de \leq 0.7 for the neutrino oscillation parameters and 0.01 {\rm eV}\stackrel{<}{_\sim}m_{\bt \bt}\stackrel{<}{_\sim} 0.02 {\rm eV} for the effective neutrino mass in neutrinoless double \bt -decay. We show that the same scenario can naturally explain the observed baryon asymmetry of the universe via resonant leptogenesis. The masses of the decaying right--handed neutrinos can be in the range (103107)(10^3 - 10^7) GeV, which would avoid the generic gravitino problem of supersymmetric models.
  • Neutrino masses and mixing
  • flavor symmetries
  • leptogenesis
  • neutrino: mass
  • mass: hierarchy
  • symmetry: S(3) x U(1)
  • neutrino: oscillation
  • neutrino: mixing angle
  • double-beta decay: (0neutrino)
  • baryon: asymmetry