Regge approach to charged-pion photoproduction at invariant energies above 2-GeV
Jun, 2007
19 pages
Published in:
- Eur.Phys.J.A 34 (2007) 49-68
- 0706.0183 [nucl-th]
Report number:
- FZJ-IKP-TH-2007-19,
- HISKP-TH-07-16,
- JLAB-THY-07-639
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
A Regge model with absorptive corrections is employed in a global analysis of the world data on positive and negative pion photoproduction for photon energies from 3 to 8 GeV. In this region resonance contributions are expected to be negligible so that the available experimental information on differential cross sections and single polarization observables at -t \leq 2 GeV^2 allows us to determine the non-resonant part of the reaction amplitude reliably. The model amplitude is then used to predict observables for photon energies below 3 GeV. Differences between our predictions and data in this energy region are systematically examined as possible signals for the presence of excited baryons. We find that the data available for the polarized photon asymmetry show promising resonance signatures at invariant energies around 2 GeV. With regard to differential cross sections the analysis of negative pion photoproduction data, obtained recently at JLab, indicates likewise the presence of resonance structures around 2 GeV- 13.60.Le
- 25.20.Lj
- 11.55.Jy
- 13.60.-r
- photon p: inelastic scattering
- pi+: photoproduction
- photon n: inelastic scattering
- pi-: photoproduction
- photon: polarized beam
- Regge poles