Probing new physics with flavor physics (and probing flavor physics with new physics)
Aug, 2007Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
This is a written version of a series of lectures aimed at graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in particle theory/string theory/particle experiment familiar with the basics of the Standard Model. We begin with an overview of flavor physics and its implications for new physics. We emphasize the 'new physics flavor puzzle'. Then, we give four specific examples of flavor measurements and the lessons that have been (or can be) drawn from them: (i) Charm physics: lessons for supersymmetry from the upper bound on . (ii) Bottom physics: model independent lessons on the KM mechanism and on new physics in neutral B mixing from . (iii) Top physics and beyond: testing minimal flavor violation at the LHC. (iv) Neutrino physics: interpreting the data on neutrino masses and mixing within flavor models.References(0)
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