Search for strange tribaryon states in the inclusive He() reaction
Aug, 2007
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Abstract: (Elsevier)
A search for tribaryon states was performed at KEK-PS. We adopted the 4 He( Kstopped−,p ) reaction to populate the states with strangeness −1, charge 0 and isospin 1. No significant narrow structure was observed in the mass region from 3000 to 3200 MeV/c2 in an inclusive missing mass spectrum. The upper limit of the formation branching ratio was determined to be (0.4–6)×10−4 , (0.2–6)×10−3 and (0.06–5)×10−2/(stopped K−) with 95% confidence level for a narrow state with an assumed width of 0, 20 and 40 MeV/c2 , respectively.- 25.80.Nv
- 13.75.Jz
- K- nucleus: nuclear reaction
- helium
- at rest
- p: emission
- baryon resonance: tribaryon
- strange particle: tribaryon
- p: momentum spectrum
- mass spectrum: missing-mass