Complex action, prearrangement for future and Higgs broadening

Nov, 2007

Citations per year

Abstract: (Grobid)
We develop some formalism which is very general Feynman path integral in thecase of the action which is allowed to be complex. The major point is that theeffect of the imaginary part of the action (mainly) is to determine whichsolution to the equations of motion gets realized. We can therefore look at themodel as a unification of the equations of motion and the " initial conditions". We have already earlier argued for some features matching well with cosmologycoming out of the model. A Hamiltonian formalism is put forward, but it stillhas to have an extra factor in the probability of a certain measurement resultinvolving the time after the measurement time. A special effect to be discussedis a broadening of the width of the Higgs particle. We reach crudely a changedBreit-Wigner formula that is a normalized square root of the originally expectedone.
  • 14.80.Cp
  • 11.10.-z
  • 12.90.Tb