D-instanton derivation of multi-fermion F-terms in supersymmetric QCD
Mar, 2008
25 pages
Published in:
- JHEP 06 (2008) 051
- 0803.0798 [hep-th]
Report number:
- APCTP-PRE2008-001,
- SU-ITP-08-05
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Abstract: (arXiv)
We investigate effects of field theory instantons by considering D-instantons in a suitable D3-brane background. In supersymmetric QCD with SU(N_c) gauge group with N_f=N_c flavors, the moduli space of vacua is deformed by instantons. This effect can be described by the chiral interactions which are called multi-fermion F-terms. We derive these chiral interaction terms as D-instanton effects in the presence of D3-branes. For SU(2), the obtained result agrees with the previous result worked out by Beasley and Witten [hep-th/0409149]. We also explicitly work out those for the case of the symplectic gauge group, and show that they describe the deformation of the moduli space.Note:
- 25 pages
- D-brane
- p-brane: 3
- background field
- gauge field theory: SU(N)
- supersymmetry
- fermion: flavor
- orbifold
- superpotential
- instanton
- moduli space: deformation