Simultaneous X-ray/radio observations of Cir X-1

8 pages
Published in:
  • PoS DYNAMIC (2007) 037

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We analysed simultaneous X-ray/radio observations of Circinus X-1 collected respectively with RXTE and ATCA in 2000 October and 2002 December and identified radio flares close to phase 0.0 and 0.5 of the orbital period. To date, there is only circumstantial evidence for radio flares near phase 0.5. Moreover, in our data set, we clearly associated both a radio flare and X-ray spectral timing changes with phase 0.0. While for black hole X-ray binaries the picture of the association between the X-ray and the radio bands is quite well understood, for neutron star X-ray binaries a clear and complete picture is still missing.