Success of collinear expansion in the calculation of induced gluon emission

May, 2008
13 pages

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
This is a response to the comments by Aurenche, Zakharov and Zaraket (AZZ) \cite{azz} on the higher-twist approach to induced gluon emission in eAeA DIS. We first give a brief overview of the collinear factorization and calculation of higher-twist contributions to semi-inclusive processes in DIS. We clarify AZZ's confusion over the procedure and region of validity of the collinear approximation in the higher-twist approach which has led to their conclusion in Ref.\cite{azz}. We will also discuss the connection between the collinear approximation in the higher-twist approach and the small kTk_T approximation in the Light-Cone Path Integral (LCPI) and opacity expansion approach. We point out the misconstrued variable change by AZZ before the kTk_T expansion in LCPI and GLV, without which one obtains the same result for the induced gluon spectrum under collinear approximation as in the higher twist approach.
  • electron nucleus: deep inelastic scattering
  • electron nucleus: inclusive reaction
  • electron nucleus: nuclear reaction
  • gluon: emission
  • quantum chromodynamics: perturbation theory
  • effect: higher-twist
  • expansion: collinear
  • factorization
  • path integral: light cone
  • differential cross section