M2-Brane Superalgebra from Bagger-Lambert Theory
Jun, 2008Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
It is known that the M2-brane worldvolume superalgebra includes two p-form central charges that encode the M-theory intersections involving M2-branes. In this paper we show by explicit computation that the Bagger-Lambert Lagrangian realizes the M2-brane superalgebra, including also the central extensions. Solitons of the Bagger-Lambert theory, that are interpreted as worldvolume realizations of intersecting branes, are shown to saturate a BPS-bound given in terms of the corresponding central charge.- M-theory
- membrane model
- supersymmetry: algebra
- central charge
- differential forms: 2
- effective action
- field equations: vortex
- current: conservation law