Direct Mediation and a Visible Metastable Supersymmetry Breaking Sector
Jul, 2008Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We analyze an R-symmetry breaking deformation of the ISS model for a direct mediation of supersymmetry breaking from a metastable vacuum. The model is weakly coupled and calculable. The LSP gravitino is light (m_{3/2}<16 eV) and the MSSM spectrum is natural with a light Higgs. The supersymmetry breaking sector, which is usually hidden, is observable (m~1 TeV) and may be a candidate for cold dark matter. We discuss its production and signature at LHC. We propose a UV completion of the model in terms of a duality cascade.- Beyond Standard Model
- Supersymmetry Breaking
- Supersymmetry Phenomenology
- Supersymmetric Standard Model
- supersymmetry: symmetry breaking
- minimal supersymmetric standard model
- gravitino: LSP
- dark matter
- R parity: violation
- vacuum state