Extreme multiplex spectroscopy at wide-field 4-m telescopes
Jul 9, 20088 pages
Published in:
- Proc.SPIE Int.Soc.Opt.Eng. 7014 (2008) 701475
Contribution to:
- Published: Jul 9, 2008
- 0808.2367 [astro-ph]
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Abstract: (International Society for Optics and Photonics)
We describe the design and science case for a spectrograph for the prime focus of classical 4-m wide-field telescopesthat can deliver at least 4000 MOS slits over a 1° field. This extreme multiplex capability means that 25000 galaxyredshifts can be measured in a single night, opening up the possibilities for large galaxy redshift surveys out to z~0.7 andbeyond for the purpose of measuring the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) scale and for many other science goals.The design features four cloned spectrographs and exploits the exclusive possibility of tiling the focal plane of wide-field4-m telescopes with CCDs for multi-object spectroscopic purposes. In ~200 night projects, such spectrographs have thepotential to make galaxy redshift surveys of ~6×106 galaxies over a wide redshift range and thus may provide a low-costalternative to other survey routes such as WFMOS and SKA. Two of these extreme multiplex spectrographs are currentlybeing designed for the AAT (NG1dF) and Calar Alto (XMS) 4-m class telescopes. NG2dF, a larger version for the AAT2° field, would have 12 clones and at least 12000 slits. The clones use a transparent design including a grism in which alloptics are smaller than the clone square subfield so that the clones can be tightly packed with little gaps between thecontiguous fields. Only low cost glasses are used; the variations in chromatic aberrations between bands arecompensated by changing one or two of the lenses adjacent to the grism. The total weight and length is smaller with afew clones than a unique spectrograph which makes it feasible to place the spectrograph at the prime focus.- wide-field astronomy
- multi-slit spectroscopy
- galaxy redshift surveys
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