Measurements and Analysis of Beam Transfer Functions in the Fermilab Recycler Ring Using the Transverse Digital Damper System
Jun, 20083 pages
Published in:
- Conf.Proc.C 0806233 (2008) THPC117
Contribution to:
- 0811.2971 [physics.acc-ph]
Report number:
- EPAC08-THPC117
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
The primary purpose of the Fermilab Recycler Ring Transverse Digital Damper System is to prevent instabilities due to high phase space densities of the cooled antiproton beam. The system was designed to facilitate Beam Transfer Function measurements using a signal analyzer connected to auxiliary system ports for timing and diagnostic purposes. The Digital Damper System has the capability for both open and closed loop measurements. The Beam Transfer Function provides direct measurement of the machine impedance, and beam and lattice parameters such as betatron tune and chromaticity. An overview of the technique is presented along with analysis and results from open and closed loop measurements in the Fermilab Recycler Ring.References(4)
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