Experimental constraints on nMSSM and implications on its phenomenology

Jan, 2009
4 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 79 (2009) 091701

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We examine various direct and indirect experimental constraints on the nearly minimal supersymmetric standard model (nMSSM) and obtain the following observations: (i) The combination of current experiments stringently constrains the parameter space, setting a range of 1-37 GeV for the lightest neutralino \tilde\chi^0_1, 30-140 GeV (1-250 GeV) for the lightest CP-even (CP-odd) Higgs boson, and 2-10 for \tan\beta/ (ii) To account for the dark matter relic density, besides the s-channel exchange of a Z-boson, the s-channel exchange of a light A_1 can also play an important role in the annihilation of the lightest neutralinos (assumed to be the LSP). Compared with the Z-exchange annihilation channel, the A_1 exchange channel is more favored by muon g-2 data and allows much broader regions for the parameters \lambda, \tan\beta, \mu, m_{\tilde\chi^0_1} and m_{\tilde\mu}/ (iii) In a large part of the allowed parameter space the SM-like Higgs boson may dominantly decay to the lightest neutralinos or A_1 A_1 and the conventional visible decays (e.g. into bottom quarks) are severely suppressed/ (iv) The muon g-2 data can be accommodated only for light smuons below 200 GeV. Due to its lightness, the smuon can be the NLSP and could be copiously produced either directly or from cascade decays of other sparticles (especially colored ones).
  • 12.60.Jv
  • 14.80.Cp
  • 12.60.Fr
  • 11.30.Qc
  • smuon: magnetic moment
  • Z0: exchange
  • Higgs particle: mass
  • neutralino: annihilation
  • minimal supersymmetric standard model
  • sparticle: cascade decay
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