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Abstract: (arXiv)
There exist two ways to obtain walk behavior: assuming a large number of technifermions in the fundamental representation of the technicolor (TC) gauge group, or a small number of technifermions, assuming that these fermions are in higher-dimensional representations of the TC group. We propose a scheme to obtain the walking behavior based on technicolored GUTs (TGUTs), where elementary scalars with the TC degree of freedom may remain in the theory after the GUT symmetry breaking.
  • 11 pages, 1 figure
  • 12.60.Nz
  • 14.80.Cp
  • 12.10.Dm
  • fermion: technicolor
  • representation: higher-dimensional
  • grand unified theory
  • symmetry breaking
  • beta function
  • Higgs particle: technicolor
  • numerical calculations