Operadic quantization as a tool for discrete geometry
Mar, 20099 pages
Published in:
- J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 532 (2014) 012023
Contribution to:
- 0903.3702 [math-ph]
Report number:
- ETF-9012,
- ETF-9038
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0 Citations
Abstract: (IOP)
The operadic Lax representations of the harmonic oscillator are used to construct the quantum counterparts of 3d real Lie algebras in the Bianchi classification. The Jacobi operators of these quantum algebras are studied. It is shown how the energy conservation is related to the Jacobi identity and how the quantization leads to an anomaly – the quantum violation of the Jacobi relations. By using the nonvanishing quantum Jacobi operators, the derivative quantum algebra for a triple of 3d real Lie algebras is defined. It is proposed that the derivative algebra is the 3d real Heisenberg algebra. From this it follows that in this model only the discrete values of the spatial coordinates are physically allowed.Note:
- 9 pages, LaTeX2e, in v5 the physical interpretation of the volume quantization is better explained. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:0901.4264