Beyond the Relativistic Point Particle: A Reciprocally Invariant System and its Generalisation
Jul, 2009Citations per year
Abstract: (Elsevier)
We investigate a reciprocally invariant system proposed by Low and Govaerts et al., whose action contains both the orthogonal and the symplectic forms and is invariant under global O(2,4)∩Sp(2,4) transformations. We find that the general solution to the classical equations of motion has no linear term in the evolution parameter, τ , but only the oscillatory terms, and therefore cannot represent a particle propagating in spacetime. As a remedy, we consider a generalisation of the action by adopting a procedure similar to that of Bars et al., who introduced the concept of a τ derivative that is covariant under local Sp(2) transformations between the phase space variables xμ(τ) and pμ(τ) . This system, in particular, is similar to a rigid particle whose action contains the extrinsic curvature of the world line, which turns out to be helical in spacetime. Another possible generalisation is the introduction of a symplectic potential proposed by Montesinos. We show how the latter approach is related to Kaluza–Klein theories and to the concept of Clifford space, a manifold whose tangent space at any point is Clifford algebra Cl(8) , a promising framework for the unification of particles and forces.- 04.50.Cd
- 11.10.Lm
- 11.25.Hf
- Born's reciprocity
- Phase space
- Two times
- Symplectic potential
- Kaluza-Klein theory
- Clifford space
- Kaluza–Klein theory