Pomeron Odderon interference in production of two pairs at LHC and ILC
Sep, 2009
3 pages
Published in:
- PoS EPS-HEP2009 (2009) 339
Contribution to:
- 0909.3450 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- LPT-09-72,
- CPHT-PC090-0909,
- CPHT-PC090.0909
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Abstract: (arXiv)
We propose to look for the Odderon through the production of two pion pairs in photon collisions at high energies. We calculate the corresponding matrix elements in kT-factorization and discuss the possibility to reveal the existence of the perturbative Odderon by charge asymmetries, relying on models for the generalized distribution amplitudes of pi+ pi-. The application of this strategy to ultraperipheral collisions at the LHC suffers from the difficulty to trigger on interesting events and is plagued with severe background problems in p-p mode. Electron - positron colliders like ILC seem to better suit this physics.Note:
- 3 pages, Proceedings of EPS conference Krakow, 16-22 July 2009
- charge: asymmetry
- p p: interaction
- peripheral
- exchange: two-photon
- photon photon: fusion
- pi: photoproduction
- exchange: two-gluon
- pomeron
- odderon: interference
- differential cross section: momentum transfer