Evidence for right-handed neutrinos at a neutrino factory
Nov, 2009
18 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Lett.B 683 (2010) 282-288
- 0911.3158 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- UG-FT-262-09,
- CAFPE-132-09,
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Citations per year
Abstract: (Elsevier)
We emphasize that a muon based neutrino factory could show the existence of light right-handed neutrinos, if a deficit in the number of detected events is observed at a near detector. This could be as large as ∼10% if the size of the new interactions saturates the present limits from electroweak precision data, what is not excluded by the oscillation experiments performed up to now. A simple model realizing such a scenario can be obtained adding right-handed neutrinos to the minimal Standard Model, together with an extra scalar doublet and a triplet of hypercharge 1. In this case, however, the possible deficit is reduced by a factor of ∼3, and the Yukawa couplings must be adequately chosen. This is also generically required if lepton flavour violation must be below present bounds.Note:
- Latex 18 pages, 2 eps figures
- Right-handed neutrino
- Neutrino factories
- neutrino: right-handed
- neutrino: particle source
- coupling: Yukawa
- lepton number: violation
- electroweak interaction: standard model
- new interaction
- near detector
- neutrino: oscillation