Forward-backward multiplicity fluctuations in heavy nuclei collisions in the wounded nucleon model
Nov, 2009Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We use the wounded nucleon model to study the forward-backward multiplicity fluctuations measured by the PHOBOS Collaboration in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=200 GeV. The enhancement of forward-backward fluctuations in Au+Au collisions with respect to the elementary p+p interactions is in this model explained by the asymmetric shape of the pseudorapidity density of produced particles from a single wounded nucleon and the fluctuations of the number of wounded nucleons in the colliding nuclei. The wounded nucleon model describes these experimental data better than the HIJING, AMPT or UrQMD models do.- 25.75.Gz
- fluctuation
- rapidity: density
- nucleus: heavy
- enhancement
- heavy ion: scattering
- interpretation of experiments: PHOBOS
- Brookhaven RHIC Coll
- gold
- charged particle: multiplicity