Light-cone Gauge Superstring Field Theory and Dimensional Regularization II
Dec, 2009
20 pages
Published in:
- JHEP 08 (2010) 102
- 0912.4811 [hep-th]
Report number:
- UTHEP-600,
- RIKEN-TH-177
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Abstract: (arXiv)
We propose a dimensional regularization scheme to deal with the divergences caused by colliding supercurrents inserted at the interaction points, in the light-cone gauge NSR superstring field theory. We formulate the theory in dimensions and define the amplitudes as analytic functions of . With an appropriately chosen three-string interaction term and large negative , the tree level amplitudes for the (NS,NS) closed strings can be recast into a BRST invariant form, using the superconformal field theory proposed in Ref.[arXiv:0911.3704]. We show that in the limit they coincide with the results of the first quantized theory. Therefore we obtain the desired results without adding any contact interaction terms to the action.Note:
- 23 pages; v2: minor modifications; v3: revised argument in section 3, added appendix C, results unchanged; v4: added clarifications, two figures and a footnote; v5: minor modifications
- Superstrings and Heterotic Strings
- String Field Theory
- Conformal Field Models in String Theory
- BRST Symmetry
- regularization: dimensional
- field theory: conformal
- invariance: Becchi-Rouet-Stora
- string: closed
- vertex: primary
- light cone gauge