The lowest-lying baryon masses in covariant SU(3)-flavor chiral perturbation theory
Mar, 2010
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We present an analysis of the baryon-octet and -decuplet masses using covariant SU(3)-flavor chiral perturbation theory up to next-to-leading order. Besides the description of the physical masses we address the problem of the lattice QCD extrapolation. Using the PACS-CS collaboration data we show that a good description of the lattice points can be achieved at next-to-leading order with the covariant loop amplitudes and phenomenologically determined values for the meson-baryon couplings. Moreover, the extrapolation to the physical point up to this order is found to be better than the linear one given at leading-order by the Gell-Mann-Okubo approach. The importance that a reliable combination of lattice QCD and chiral perturbation theory may have for hadron phenomenology is emphasized with the prediction of the pion-baryon and strange-baryon sigma terms.- 12.38.Gc
- 12.39.Fe
- 14.20.Jn
- perturbation theory: chiral
- higher-order: 1
- baryon: mass
- meson baryon: coupling
- flavor: SU(3)
- covariance
- numerical calculations