Electroweak Constraints on Warped Geometry in Five Dimensions and Beyond
Apr, 2010Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
Here we consider the tree level corrections to electroweak (EW) observables from standard model (SM) particles propagating in generic warped extra dimensions. The scale of these corrections is found to be dominated by three parameters, the Kaluza-Klein (KK) mass scale, the relative coupling of the KK gauge fields to the Higgs and the relative coupling of the KK gauge fields to fermion zero modes. It is found that 5D spaces that resolve the hierarchy problem through warping typically have large gauge-Higgs coupling. It is also found in where the additional dimensions are warped the relative gauge-Higgs coupling scales as a function of the warp factor. If the warp factor of the additional spaces is contracting towards the IR brane, both the relative gauge-Higgs coupling and resulting EW corrections will be large. Conversely EW constraints could be reduced by finding a space where the additional dimension's warp factor is increasing towards the IR brane. We demonstrate that the Klebanov Strassler solution belongs to the former of these possibilities.Note:
- 18 pages, 3 figures (references added) version to appear in JHEP
- Phenomenology of Large extra dimensions
- space-time: warped
- fermion: zero mode
- electroweak interaction
- membrane model
- Kaluza-Klein
- hierarchy
- dimension: 5
- tree approximation
- Higgs particle: mass