A Note on a gauge-gravity relation and functional determinants
Apr, 2010
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We present a refinement of a recently found gauge-gravity relation between one-loop effective actions: on the gauge side, for a massive charged scalar in 2d dimensions in a constant maximally symmetric electromagnetic field; on the gravity side, for a massive spinor in d-dimensional (Euclidean) anti-de Sitter space. The inclusion of the dimensionally regularized volume of AdS leads to complete mapping within dimensional regularization. In even-dimensional AdS, we get a small correction to the original proposal; whereas in odd-dimensional AdS, the mapping is totally new and subtle, with the `holographic trace anomaly' playing a crucial role.Note:
- 6 pages, iop
- 04.62.+v
- 11.15.Kc
- 11.10.Kk
- regularization: dimensional
- space: anti-de Sitter
- spinor: massive
- charge: scalar
- gauge field theory
- gravitation: duality
- electromagnetic field