Aspects of Supersymmetry in Multiple Membrane Theories
Dec, 2010148 pages
Thesis: PhD - Bill Spence
- Queen Mary, U. of London
- 1012.2707 [hep-th]
Report number:
- QMUL-PH-10-21
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Abstract: (Queen Mary, U. of London (main))
This thesis consists of two parts. In the rst part we investigate the worldvolumesupersymmetry algebra of multiple membrane theories. We begin with a descriptionof M-theory branes and their intersections from the perspective of spacetimeand worldvolume supersymmetry algebras. We then provide an overview of therecent work on multiple M2-branes focusing on the Bagger-Lambert theory andits relation to the Nambu-Poisson M5-brane and the ABJM theory. The worldvolumesupersymmetry algebras of these theories are explicitly calculated and thecharges interpreted in terms of spacetime intersections of M-branes.The second part of the thesis looks at l3p corrections to the supersymmetrytransformations of the Bagger-Lambert theory. We begin with a review of thedNS duality transformation which allows a gauge eld to be dualised to a scalareld in 2+1 dimensions. Applying this duality to 02 terms of the non-abelianD2-brane theory gives rise to the l3p corrections of the Lorentzian Bagger-Lamberttheory. We then apply this duality transformation to the 02 corrections of theD2-brane supersymmetry transformations. For the `abelian' Bagger-Lambert theorywe are able to uniquely determine the l3p corrections to the supersymmetrytransformations of the scalar and fermion elds. Generalising to the `non-abelian'Bagger-Lambert theory we are able to determine the l3p correction to the supersymmetrytransformation of the fermion eld. Along the way make a number ofobservations relating to the implementation of the dNS duality transformation atthe level of supersymmetry transformations.- Physics
- thesis
- membrane
- supersymmetry: algebra
- M-theory
- string model: Type IIB
- M-brane: 2
- M-brane: 5
- ABJM model
- space-time