Weakly bound states of neutrons in gravitational fields

Dec, 2010
13 pages

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0 Citations
Abstract: (arXiv)
In this paper a quantum-mechanical behaviour of neutrons in gravitational fields is considered. A first estimation is made using the semiclassical approximation, neglecting General Relativity, magnetic and rotation effects, for neutrons in weakly bound states in the weak gravitational field of the Earth. This result was generalized for a case, in which the Randall - Sundrum correction to Newton's gravitational law on the small scales was applied. Application of the results to Neutron Star physics is considered and further possible perspectives are discussed.
  • 03.65.Ta
  • 98.80.Cq
  • approximation: semiclassical
  • gravitation: external field
  • n: bound state
  • quantum mechanics
  • neutron star: surface
  • Randall-Sundrum model
  • n: energy spectrum
  • geophysics