Observing other universe through ringholes and Klein-bottle holes
Feb, 20119 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 84 (2011) 023008
- 1102.3784 [astro-ph.CO]
Report number:
- IFF-RCA-2011-02-02
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Abstract: (arXiv)
It is argued that whereas the Shatskiy single rings produced by the gravitational inner field of a spherically symmetric wormhole and the concentric double Einstein rings generated by a toroidal ringhole could not be used without some uncertainty to identify the presence of such tunnelings in the universe or the existence of a parallel universe, the image which the inner gravitational field of a non orientable Klein-bottle hole tunneling would leave by lensing a single luminous source is that of a truncated double spiral, which is a signature that cannot be attributed to any other single or composite astronomical object in whichever universe it may be placed. In this report we argue some more reasons to predict that such a signature would imply the discovery of one such non orientable tunneling in our or other universe. After all, a nonorientable Klein-bottle hole is also a perfectly valid solution to the Einstein equations and the stuff which would make it feasible is becoming more and more familiar in cosmology.- 95.30.Sf
- 04.40.-b
- tunneling
- gravitation: lens
- cosmological model
- Einstein equation: solution
- wormhole