The Reactor Anomaly after Daya Bay and RENO
May, 2012
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
Gallium and short baseline reactor neutrino experiments indicate a short-distance anomalous disappearance of electron antineutrinos which, if interpreted in terms of neutrino oscillations, would lead to a sterile neutrino mass inconsistent with standard cosmological models. This anomaly is difficult to measure at 1 km baseline experiments because its disappearance effects are degenerate with that of theta_13. The flux normalization independent measurement of theta_13 at Daya Bay breaks this degeneracy, allowing an unambiguous differentiation of 1-3 neutrino oscillations and the anomalous disappearance at Double Chooz and RENO. The resulting anomaly is consistent with that found at very short baselines and suggests a downward revision of RENO's result for theta_13. A MCMC global analysis of current cosmological data shows that a quintom cosmology is just compatible at 2 sigma with a sterile neutrino with the right mass to reproduce the reactor anomaly and to a lesser extent the gallium and LSND/MiniBooNE anomalies. However models in which the sterile neutrino acquires a chameleon mass easily satisfy the cosmological bounds and also reduce the tension between LSND and KARMEN.Note:
- 21 pages, 7 figures, v2 uses RENO results from nuTURN and Daya Bay results from Neutrino 2012
- neutrino: oscillation
- neutrino: nuclear reactor
- neutrino: sterile: mass
- gallium
- chameleon: mass
- cosmological model: quintom
- Monte Carlo: Markov chain
- Daya Bay
- Double Chooz
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