Fragmentation with a Cut on Thrust: Predictions for B-factories

Jul, 2012
11 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 87 (2013) 7, 074013
  • Published: Apr 12, 2013

Citations per year

Abstract: (APS)
When high-energy single-hadron production takes place inside an identified jet, there are important correlations between the fragmentation and phase-space cuts. For example, when one-hadron yields are measured in on-resonance B-factory data, a cut on the thrust event shape T is required to remove the large b-quark contribution. This leads to a dijet final-state restriction for the light-quark fragmentation process. Here, we complete our analysis of unpolarized fragmentation of (light) quarks and gluons to a light hadron h with energy fraction z in e+e-→dijet+h at the center-of-mass energy Q=10.58  GeV. In addition to the next-to-next-to-leading order resummation of the logarithms of 1-T, we include the next-to-leading order nonsingular O(1-T) contribution to the cross section, the resummation of threshold logarithms of 1-z, and the leading nonperturbative contribution to the soft function. Our results for the correlations between fragmentation and the thrust cut are presented in a way that can be directly tested against B-factory data. These correlations are also observed in Pythia but are surprisingly smaller at next-to-leading order.
  • 10 pages + appendices, 13 figures, v2:updated discussion, journal version
  • 12.39.St
  • 13.87.Fh
  • resummation
  • B-factory
  • thrust
  • gluon: fragmentation function
  • dijet: associated production
  • electron positron: annihilation
  • hadron: electroproduction
  • pi+
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