Lectures on quantum energy inequalities
Aug, 2012Citations per year
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Abstract: (arXiv)
Quantum field theory violates all the classical energy conditions of general relativity. Nonetheless, it turns out that quantum field theories satisfy remnants of the classical energy conditions, known as Quantum Energy Inequalities (QEIs), that have been developed by various authors since the original pioneering work of Ford in 1978. These notes provide an introduction to QEIs and also to some of the techniques of quantum field theory in curved spacetime (particularly, the use of microlocal analysis together with the algebraic formulation of QFT) that enable rigorous and general QEIs to be derived. Specific examples are computed for the free scalar field and their consequences are discussed. QEIs are also derived for the class of unitary, positive energy conformal field theories in two spacetime dimensions. In that setting it is also possible to determine the probability distribution for individual measurements of certain smearings of the stress-energy tensor in the vacuum state.Note:
- 50pp, Lectures given at the Albert Einstein Institute, Golm
- field theory: conformal
- field theory: scalar
- tensor: energy-momentum
- lectures
- vacuum state
- algebra: C*
- Hadamard state
- null-energy condition
- energy: negative
- energy: density
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