Chern-Simons Spinor Electrodynamics in the Light-Cone Gauge
Oct, 2012Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
The one-loop quantum corrections of Chern-Simons spinor electrodynamics in the light-cone gauge has been investigated. We have calculated the vacuum polarization tensor, fermionic self-energy and on-shell vertex correction with a hybrid regularization consisting of a higher covariant derivative regularization and dimensional continuation. The Mandelstam-Leibbrandt prescription is used to handle the spurious light-cone singularity in the gauge field propagator. We then perform the finite renormalization to define the quantum theory. The generation of the parity-even Maxwell term and the arising of anomalous magnetic moment from quantum corrections are reproduced as in the case of a covariant gauge choice. The Ward identities in the light-cone gauge are verified to satisfy explicitly. Further, we have found the light-cone vector dependent sector of local quantum effective action for the fermion is explicitly gauge invariant, and hence the covariance of -matrix elements of the theory can be achieved.Note:
- 29 pages, no fugures, RevTex
- 12.20.Ds
- 11.15.Yc
- 11.15.Bt
- 11.10.Gh
- correction: quantum
- fermion: propagator
- correction: vertex
- gauge: covariance
- vacuum polarization: tensor
- renormalization: finite
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