Interpretation of twisting type N vacuum solutions with cosmological constant
Dec, 2012Citations per year
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Abstract: (IOP)
We investigate a new class of twisting type N vacuum solutions with nonzero (positive) cosmological constant Λ by studying the equations of geodesic deviations along the privileged radial timelike geodesics, generalizing J Bičák and J Podolský's results on non-twisting type N solutions. It is shown that these twisting radiative spacetimes can be interpreted as exact transverse gravitational waves propagating in the de-Sitter universe, with a distinctive feature that all the wave amplitudes are proportional to Λ. Moreover, we demonstrate the cosmic no-hair conjecture in these spacetimes and discuss their Killing horizons.Note:
- 12 pages
- 04.30.-w
- 95.36.+x
- 98.80.-k
- 04.20.Jb
- horizon: Killing
- cosmological constant
- space-time
- gravitational radiation
- transverse
- de Sitter
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