Quadrupole moments of rotating neutron stars and strange stars
Jan, 201311 pages
Published in:
- Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 433 (2013) 1903
- 1301.5925 [astro-ph.SR]
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Abstract: (arXiv)
We present results for models of neutron stars and strange stars constructed using the Hartle-Thorne slow-rotation method with a wide range of equations of state, focusing on the values obtained for the angular momentum and the quadrupole moment , when the gravitational mass and the rotational frequency are specified. Building on previous work, which showed surprising uniformity in the behaviour of the moment of inertia for neutron-star models constructed with widely-different equations of state, we find similar uniformity for the quadrupole moment. These two quantities, together with the mass, are fundamental for determining the vacuum space-time outside neutron stars. We study particularly the dimensionless combination of parameters (using units for which ). This quantity goes to 1 in the case of a Kerr-metric black hole and deviations away from 1 then characterize the difference between neutron-star and black-hole space-times. It is found that for both neutron stars and strange stars decreases with increasing mass, for a given equation of state, reaching a value of around 2 (or even less) for maximum-mass models, meaning that their external space-time is then rather well approximated by the Kerr metric. If is plotter against compactness (where is the radius), it is found that the relationship is nearly unique for neutron-star models, independent of the equation of state, while it is significantly different for strange stars. This gives a new way of possibly distinguishing between them.Note:
- 11 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to MNRAS
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