Backreacted flavor in non-commutative gauge theories

Apr 18, 2013
20 pages
Published in:
  • JHEP 06 (2013) 092
Report number:
  • DMUS-MP-13-10,
  • DIAS-STP-13-05

Citations per year

Abstract: (Springer)
We construct the gravity dual of = 1 Non-Commutative SYM theory coupled to N ( )f( ) smeared massless fundamental flavors. Our solution is analytic and non-perturbative. Near the origin the background reduces to the one corresponding to an ordinary SYM theory. At large radial distances, the dilaton diverges signaling the presence of a UV Landau pole. Considering a probe D3-brane we calculate the effective YM coupling and show that it is independent on the parameter of non-commutativity. We calculate the corresponding beta function and show that it remains positive at all energy scales.
  • 20 pages, minor corrections, updated to match the published version
  • gauge field theory: noncommutative
  • coupling: Yang-Mills
  • gravitation: duality
  • flavor
  • beta function
  • dilaton
  • D-brane